Our Favorite Recipes
Give yourself plenty of time cooking whole grains and legumes.
A little patience makes for a tasty reward!
New to Grains? ➡️ Grain Cooking Basics
Split and Whole Peas
Let your creativity take the reins! Play around until you get the feel for each grain and it’s individual characteristics.
"00" Pizza Flour
Whole Grain
We use a mixture of Hard Red and Soft White flour to make this finely ground Pizza Flour. It has all the nutrition of a whole grain flour and a sweet robust flavor that holds up against the most creative pizzas. This flour is excellent in pastries as well!
Emmer Flour
Whole Grain
Emmer is one of three ancient grains from which modern wheat evolved. It has a coarser texture that is fabulous in scones and other recipes that need a good crumble. It also makes excellent sourdough and yest breads. It is lower in gluten than modern wheat and has a bright, sweet, nutty flavor.
Purple Barley Flour
Whole Grain
“Karma” Purple Barley is a Tibetan Hull-less Barley. Because the chaff is easily separated from the barley seed, it doesn’t need to be pearled like regular barley. Therefore it keeps the outer bran, increasing the fiber and antioxidant content of the grain. It has a fluffy texture in baked goods and has a slightly earthy flavor that pairs well with chocolate!
Rye Flour
Whole Grain
Our Polish Danko Winter Rye makes a light, mild flour. It lends a slightly malty flavor to baked goods, and is an enzyme powerhouse for sourdough. Our family starter is made from and fed our Rye flour.
Hard Red Spring Wheat Flour
Whole Grain
Hard Red Spring Whole Wheat with a higher protein content for a more elastic dough. Makes a nutritious and flavorful addition to your favorite bread recipes!
Soft White Wheat Four
Whole Grain
Soft White Wheat is our mildest whole wheat flour. It works well with almost any recipe calling for all purpose or whole wheat flour. This recipe makes excellent rolls great to go with soup or to use as burger buns- a staple in the Collins house!
Pasta Flour & Semolina
Sifted Specialty Flour
Our Pasta Flour and Semolina are made from Khorasan wheat, an ancient relative of modern pasta grains. This is an excellent recipe from Eduardo Garcia of Montana Mex - it’s our favorite when using both Pasta Flour and Semolina.
All Purpose Flour
Sifted Specialty Flour
Simple sifted Hard White Wheat to replace your grocery store all purpose flour. How awesome to know where, how, and by whom your flour has been grown! Here’s a stunner Gingerbread recipe from Sally’s Baking Addiction:
Hard Red Winter
Whole Grain
This is the grain that started it all. We’ve grown Hard Red Winter Wheat for years and one day decided to grind some for ourselves. It is a nutritious alternative to regular flour an has much more flavor. This recipe for cookies is our family’s favorite!
Oat Flour
Whole Grain
We stone grind our Naked Oats in order to provide a low gluten flour for our customers. Our Oat Flour is sweet with a hint of berry, and loaded with cholesterol fighting beta glucan and heart healthy fiber.
Bran is made of the more nutritious part of the wheat berry. Add to baked goods for an extra healthy boost of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Black Barley Flour
Black Barley flour is a gentle blank canvas for baked goods, pancakes, and hot breakfast cereals. It helps remove cholesterol from the blood and has even more antioxidants than regular barley.