Highland Harmony Farm
Online Store Closed this week
Back on Saturday!!
All products grown, processed, and hand packaged at our small regenerative farm.
Grown in montana
By Folks You Know
We stay busy with Legumes, Ancient Grains, Stone Milled Flour, Berries, Raw Honey, Flowers, Vegetables… and Family!
Fun fact: we’re health nerds!
Soil health, plant health, and human health. Each piece of the puzzle has a “gut biome” that needs nurturing. Our mission is to heal the biology on our farm and share the bounty!
Learn more about our Regenerative Farming Techniques
Gallatin Valley (Bozeman Saturdays June- Sept)
Livingston (Wednesdays)
Shields Valley (Mondays)
Bozeman Winter Market (Saturdays Oct - May)
The Farm Store 516 Easy St. in Wilsall (summer)
SUmmer Tour 25
Tour of the Farm & Lunch with Us!
Wilsall, MT
Date Coming Soon
We have had many on-farm events this year including a Local Sourced Dinner, Movie Night and potluck, and our Annual Farm Tour. Keep an eye on our calendar for event dates and times!
Good for the Earth & Good for You